1. The administrator of personal data processed on the website is Piotr Kędzia, conducting business under the name Piotr Kędzia, ul. Rembielińskiego 39/4, 93-575 Łódź, NIP 7262415059, REGON 101480068, EMAIL:, hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator," who is also the service provider and seller in the store.
    2. The personal data of the service recipient and customer collected by the Administrator are processed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR).
    3. Capitalized terms used in this Privacy Policy should be understood in accordance with the definitions explained in the store's regulations. The Administrator undertakes to make every effort to ensure the respect and protection of personal data and information provided by the service recipient during the use of the store's services.




      1. The personal data of the user are processed on the Administrator`s website for the following purposes:
        • Registration of the user account in the store to conclude and execute the sale of products offered in the store (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).
        • Sending, with the user's consent, commercial information in the form of a newsletter, notifications of product availability based on the Administrator's legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR) or based on separately given consent by the user (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).
        • Telephone contact with the user regarding order fulfillment (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).
        • Issuing an invoice and fulfilling other obligations arising from tax law in the case of order fulfillment in the store (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR).
        • Handling complaints or claims related to the contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR).
        • Establishing, investigating, or defending against claims (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
        • Providing discounts, informing about promotions, offers from the Controller or cooperating entities (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).
        • Documentary and archival for the purpose of securing information that may serve as evidence (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
        • Using cookies on the website and its subpages (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).
        • Analytical purposes, including the analysis of data collected automatically when using the website, such as Google Analytics cookies, Facebook Pixel (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
        • Customer satisfaction surveys, managing contact with the user (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
        • Managing the Facebook account under the name ROSE'S HUE and the Instagram account under the name ROSE'S HUE and interacting with users (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
        • Adapting the displayed content on the Controller's pages to individual needs and continuously improving the quality of the offered services (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
        • Managing the Controller's website (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
      1. The user provides the following data to the service provider:
        • When creating an account: name and surname, login, address, email address.
        • When placing an order: name and surname, address, tax identification number (NIP), email address, telephone number.
        • When agreeing to receive newsletters: name and surname, address, tax identification number (NIP), email address, telephone number.
      1. The Administrator also collects so-called exploitation data, which are not personal data of users using the store's website. The Administrator collects data such as visits, navigation paths, the scope of using the store's functions, time spent on the store's website, information about devices and browsers from which the user visits the store, as well as geographical data and interests. The above data are used for generating statistics and advertising services.
      2. Exploitation data are used to conduct online advertising campaigns selected according to the interests of users. Ads presented to users are displayed based on their activity on the store's website. For this purpose, the Administrator uses external advertising platforms such as Facebook, Google, Instagram, etc., which match the user's profile in their database to determine the optimal time and place to display advertisements of interest to the user.



        1. The Administrator secures the user's personal data against unauthorized use, modification, or destruction using appropriate technical and organizational measures.
        2. The personal data of customers are stored by the Administrator for the time necessary to fulfill the contract, and after that time, for a period corresponding to the limitation period for claims arising from contracts concluded with customers and the period during which the Administrator is obliged to fulfill legal obligations, including keeping accounting documents related to purchases made by customers.
        3. The customer has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes, consent to receiving commercial information, and also has the right to object to the processing of personal data by the Administrator. The customer also has the right to rectify, limit, or delete their personal data. Information about withdrawal or objection should be sent to the email address In this case, the customer will not receive any marketing materials from the Administrator.




          1. The user's personal data is transferred to service providers used by the Administrator in running the store, in particular to:
            • Payment service providers (
            • Entities performing delivery services (InPost).
            • Accounting office.
            • Hosting providers.
            • Software providers enabling business activities, entities providing mailing system services.
          1. The Administrator does not disclose personal data to other entities, except those that have the appropriate legal basis, in particular, if the personal data are necessary to perform a contract in which the user is a party.
          2. The personal data of users are stored only within the European Economic Area (EEA), subject to Section 5, point 5, and Section 6 of this Privacy Policy.


          § 5 COOKIES


            1. Cookies are information stored on the user's end device and are intended for use on websites.
            2. The purpose of cookies is to remember user preferences and collect statistical information about the use of the website.
            3. The Administrator uses cookies and is the entity placing cookies on the end device, as well as having access to them.
            4. The user's use of the store's website signifies consent to the use of cookies.
            5. Cookies maintain the user's selected settings and allow for the personalization of the interface. They contain an IP address, type of browser, language, access times, the address of the page from which the user was redirected to the store's website, and a unique number.
            6. Cookies necessary for the functioning of the service. They are responsible for the proper functioning of key processes of the service, especially the order placement process. They are responsible for remembering products placed in the user's basket and maintaining the user's login status while navigating through subsequent pages of the website.
            7. The user can block the installation of cookies or delete permanent cookies by using the appropriate options of their web browser. Blocking cookies may negatively affect the proper functioning of the website.
            8. Cookies are used for:
              • Collecting information about the user's way of using the service, which helps improve the store's functionality.
              • Profiling the user and adapting the content of the store to the user's preferences, displaying product recommendations, and tailored advertising materials in the services of Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited, Facebook Ireland.
              • Collecting information about which pages are most frequently visited by the user, from which the user is redirected to the store's page, their IP address, and domain, which functionalities of the page are most often chosen by them, their behavior on the page, geographic data, and demographic data (age, gender), and interests.
              • Monitoring and conducting statistics on the use of the store's website, recognizing and eliminating errors on the store's website.
              • Actions taken in the use of Google Analytics code are based on the Administrator's legitimate interest in creating and using statistics, which then enables the improvement of the Administrator`s services and the optimization of the store's website.


            § 6 FINAL PROVISIONS

              1. The Administrator reserves the right to update the provisions of the Privacy Policy, which may result from changes in legal regulations or internet technology.
              2. In matters not regulated by this Privacy Policy, the provisions of the GDPR and other relevant Polish legal regulations apply.