The right to return or exchange a purchased product is granted without stating a reason within 14 days from the day of receiving the product.

The returned product must not show signs of use and must be complete: in the original box, packed in the original dust proof sack with all original tags, including the intact security seal. The product must be unused, clean, odor-free, and the 14-day calendar deadline must be observed.

The store has the right to refuse a return in cases of returning a damaged product, returning after the allowable period, or delivering an incomplete product to the store.


Information about the intention to return should be sent to the email address CONTACT@ROSESHUE.COM, and the completed return form along with the returned product should be sent to the address: PIOTR KĘDZIA, UL. REMBIELIŃSKIEGO 39/4, 93-575 ŁÓDŹ.

The store does not accept return shipments for cash on delivery, return shipments sent by Polish Post, and to parcel lockers.

The return processing time is 14 days from the date the store receives the product. The refund will be made using the same payment method selected during the order placement or to the account number specified in the return form if the traditional bank transfer payment method was chosen when placing the order.

The store does not send email notifications about receiving return shipments. Please keep the tracking number for tracking its status.